on 11:00 PM

The AKC's website has this statement on HB 667:

Representative John Heaton's office has confirmed that HB 667 will be amended to remove the breed-specific provisions. The AKC Government Relations department thanks all those who called, wrote letters, and emailed their representatives about this important issue. We will provide additional information once the amended text is available.

As of last night (2/17), the newly amended bill wasn't available on the Legislature's website, but I have a strong feelign that someon at the AKC wouldn't have made the above statement without having contacting Rep. Heaton's office.

Hat tip to LK in Santa Fe for the heads up.


The HSUS attempted to fund raise for the care of Micheal Vick's dogs, while at the same time suggesting that the dogs needed to be killed.
And to add insult to injury, they weren't even planning on taking possesion of the dogs.

Contact the HSUS and tell them this is unacceptable!

100% of the profits are used to support RAAP programs
RAAP is an all volunteer group of Pit bull advocates. We offer socialization classes for those that have adopted Pit bull puppies out of the local shelter systems.

We participate in education events, and can assist those looking through the shelter system to find their next dog.

We are always on the look out for new donors and volunteers...please contact us for more information.

Responsibly Adopting Albuquerque's Pit Bulls